Suzanne McGladdery
Suzanne McGladdery
Suzanne McGladdery is an Independent Social Worker and certified Therapeutic Life Story Work Practitioner based in Bristol, UK. Suzanne provides Therapeutic Life Story Work interventions, consultation, clinical supervision and training including on the TLSW Diploma, and is a member of the TLSWuk Committee.
Suzanne completed Richard Rose’s Diploma in TLSW in 2016 and obtained an MSc in Social Work in 1989. Suzanne also holds an Advanced Award in Social Work and has undertaken Systemic Family Therapy training to intermediate level, and Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP) Levels 1 and 2 all of which inform her strengths-based practice. Suzanne has over thirty years’ of experience working with children and families in statutory child protection teams as well as in fostering and adoption sectors. Her passion is working creatively with children, with a strength based, trauma and Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy informed focus.
Suzanne has developed a range of direct work tools, including 'worry pots' for child witness support, and a model of creating therapeutic stories based on telling the child’s story through their favourite characters endorsed by Professor Richard Rose. The internationally run 15-hour Creating Therapeutic Stories training programme has been developed with Karla Burley, a TLSW practitioner, play and psychotherapist.
Suzanne and Karla have co-written ‘Handbook of Therapeutic Life Story Work: The Rose Model’ published in 2024. Suzanne is experienced in the design and delivery of training for a wide range of professionals and has presented her work at conferences such as the 1st International Life Story Summit 2018 in Lisbon, the 2nd International Life Story Work Summit 2022 in Melbourne and the 3rd International TLSW Conference in London in 2024. Suzanne has been working in partnership with Northumbria University, UK, developing digital therapeutic tools. Suzanne is supervised by Professor Richard Rose, founder of TLSW and Alison Keith, Play Therapist, DDP Practitioner, Consultant and Trainer, and DDPI Board Member.