Welcome to the Stories from Berry Street podcast
For nearly 150 years, Berry Street has dedicated itself to keeping children, young people and families safe, thriving and hopeful.
Stories from Berry Street explores the current crisis facing children and families in Australia. More than ever they’re being exposed to violence, abuse and neglect, and the fall out of this can have devastating long-term impacts on our whole community.
Join our host Richelle Hunt - who you may know from The Conversation Hour on ABC Radio - as she talks to staff from front line services at Berry Street, highlights the innovative work that’s being done to address the increasing rates of harm and violence, and uncovers what we can all do to help.
Stories from Berry Street has new episodes dropping fortnightly.
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Bonus Episode: A Visionary Approach to Systems Change
Featuring: the newly named CEO of Berry Street Yooralla, Terry Symonds, and Deputy CEO Jenny McNaughton. Berry Street and Yooralla have merged! In this episode we'll discuss what the coming together two of Australia’s longest-serving and most respected social service providers means for our community and the people each organisation supports.

Episode 8: Bringing a New Model of Care to Victoria
Featuring: James Stubbs, Director Northern Region, and Jarrod Wheatley, CEO of PIC in NSW. In this episode, we highlight an innovative new model of out of home care for children who cannot live with their families. Professional Individualised Care (PIC) provides a new relational model that is achieving great results for children who have experienced severe trauma.

Episode 7: Early Intervention
Featuring: Tim Pedlow, Regional Director South East Victoria, and Laura Vainikka, Clinical Supervisor Multisystemic Therapy (MST). In this episode, we discuss how the Child Protection System is overburdened and how early intervention, if funded and resourced correctly, can help ease this burden and support families before they reach crises point.

Episode 6: Childhood Neglect
Featuring: Dr. Annette Jackson, Executive Director of Statewide Services. In this episode, we explore the breadth of what constitutes childhood neglect, why it is less understood than family violence and abuse and look at recent research that shines a light on how prevalent child abuse and neglect are in Australia.

Episode 5: Providing Safe Homes
Featuring: Tom Bowerman, Director of Innovation, and Anthony Cupic, Teaching Family Model (TFM) Practitioner. In this episode, we explore why some children can't live with their families, the challenges facing the out-of-home care system, and how the Teaching Family Model is making a difference in residential care.

Episode 4: Addressing Family Violence
Featuring: Mandy Gambino, Senior Manager for Family Violence Services Western Region, and Jac Dwyer, Project Lead for Family Violence Northern Region. In this frank, and sometimes confronting, episode we find out how Berry Street is addressing the escalating crisis of family violence in Australia.

Episode 3: Trauma-Informed Education
Featuring: Dr. Tom Brunzell, Director of Education, and Louise Childs, Lead Teacher at the Berry Street School. In this episode we shine a light on the impact trauma can have on students' ability to learn, and how the Berry Street Education Model (BSEM) and the Berry Street School are reimagining the Australian education system.

Episode 2: Healing Childhood Trauma
Featuring: Dr. Allison Cox, Director of Take Two, and Bodhi Priti, Clinical Team Leader. A powerful conversation about the lasting impacts of abuse and trauma on children and what Berry Street's specialist trauma therapy service, Take Two, is doing to help.

Episode 1: Reimagining the System
Featuring: Jenny McNaughton, Interim CEO, and Andrew Lowth, Principal Practitioner. They discuss the need to reimagine the child protection system and explore potential strategies for achieving better outcomes for the children and young people it serves.

Trailer: Stories from Berry Street
Listen to the series trailer of the Stories from Berry Street podcast.