Berry Street are delighted to offer MoneyMinded Family Violence Coach Training. This free training for family violence practitioners will prepare you to coach your clients in developing skills, knowledge and confidence in managing their money.
The MoneyMinded Family Violence program has been developed to resource family violence specialists and workers who support victim-survivors who have experienced, or are experiencing, family violence.
This 1-day training will be delivered at a range of dates and locations.
Please contact us if none of the available options are suitable, to register your interest to help plan future sessions. If you have a group 10 or more we maybe able to offer direct delivery to your agency.
If you are not a family violence specialist click here for dates and locations of the general MoneyMinded Coach Training.
Learning outcomes
MoneyMinded is an adult financial education program that builds knowledge, confidence and skills to help people make informed decisions and manage their money.
The program is flexible by design and can be integrated into existing community settings and programs.
This training course will prepare you to be able to run small workshops or use in one-to-one situations with clients of your programs.
MoneyMinded for family violence covers topics such as:
- warning signs of financial abuse
- what are my options
- taking back financial control
- burdened by other people’s debt
- protecting the future
- goal setting and budgeting
- tackling debt
- superannuation.
Eligibility criteria
MoneyMinded for family violence coach training is open to family violence specialists and workers in the field who undertake family violence risk assessments and management as part of their role. MoneyMinded for family violence coaches will therefore be working under: MARAM framework – Victoria, DVSAT – NSW and equivalent in other states.
The eligibility criteria reflects an acknowledgment of the prevalence and impact of financial abuse and the safety implications victim-survivors face in seeking agency over their own finances.
MoneyMinded for family violence coach participants are also required to:
- Have a commitment to actively use MoneyMinded in practice with your clients
- Complete the mandatory pre-course work prior to attending the MoneyMinded for family violence coach training (90 mins. and details will be provided with confirmation of course attendance)
- MoneyMinded for family violence coaches must offer the program free of charge and therefore work in a context where this is possible.
Time & Venue
Time: 9:30am - 4:00pm
Venue: The Salvation Army Box Hill, 1010 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill VIC 3128

Janet Everist
Bachelor of Arts (Social Sciences), Bachelor of Social Work, Masters of Social Policy, Certificate IV Training and Assessment.
Janet has worked as a social worker for over 30 years, most recently with Centrelink combining staff training and client case work. Through-out her career her focus has been supporting people in pursuit of financial security as a foundation for wellbeing.