Education services
Getting back to school (Navigator program)
Hume region Western region
The Navigator program supports disengaged young people aged 12 to 17 years old to re-engage with education and learning and works with them to get back to school.
Berry Street and other community service organisations run the Navigator program around Victoria, which is funded by the Victorian Government.
How it works
Navigator aims to:
- re-engage young people with school and learning
- develop students' social and emotional capabilities
- support schools to be better equipped to engage all young people.
To achieve these goals, Navigator workers:
- work directly with young people and their families to support them to return to school
- provide case management to young people, including referrals to other services
- work with local areas and school communities to provide coordinated support to the young person.
Navigator is available to young people who:
- are 12 to 17 years old
- have attended less than 30% of the previous school term (if enrolled in a school)
- either live in or have been enrolled in a school in an area where Navigator is delivered.
Program locations
Central Highlands in Western Victoria (Western region).
We are also a partner provider in the Shepparton area (Hume region).
A local Navigator Coordinator from the Department of Education and Training (DET) oversees each area.
How to make a referral
The Department of Education and Training manages referrals to the Navigator program.
For more information about the program or to make a referral, email, or go to Department of Education and Training: Navigator.