Parenting and family services
Tuning in to Kids and Teens
Gippsland region
Tuning in to Kids and Teens® is a suite of parenting programs that focus on the emotional connection between parents and carers and their children, from pre-schoolers to teenagers.
The evidence-based programs, developed by Mindful - Centre for Training and Research in Developmental Health, have proven success in improving:
- parenting
- parent-child relationships
- children’s emotional competence and behaviour.
It does this by providing parents and carers with skills in emotion coaching, which is about recognising, understanding and managing their own and their children’s emotions. When children develop these emotional skills, they are better able to negotiate the ups and downs of life.
The delivery of the Tuning in to Kids and Teens program in Inner Gippsland is a partnership between:
- Berry Street
- Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency (VACCA)
- Mindful - Centre for Training and Research in Developmental Health.
Program outcomes
Through group work, the program aims to help:
- parents to be better at talking with and understanding their children
- children to learn to manage their emotions
- prevent behaviour problems in children
- teach children how to deal with conflict.
Program costs
Tuning in to Kids and Teens is free for parents and carers within the Inner Gippsland Region. It is funded as part of the Victorian State Government's Roadmap for Reform.
The program is available to families and carers who:
- have children 3 to 10 years old (Tuning in to Kids) or adolescents 11 to 17 years old (Tuning in to Teens)
- live in Inner Gippsland, which includes Latrobe City, Baw Baw Shire, South Gippsland and Bass Coast.
Who can make a referral
Different types of organisations and services can refer to the program, including:
- schools
- early years services
- community service organisations
- Victoria Police
- Child Protection
- The Orange Door
- family services
- family violence services.
Self-referrals are also welcome from parents and foster and kinship carers.
Dads Tuning in to Kids group program
Dads Tuning into Kids is a free parenting group for Dads and male carers where you will learn to help your child manage tough situations, support your child to learn social and emotional skills and connect with your child.
Participants must have a child aged 3-10 and reside in the Inner Gippsland area (Latrobe, Baw Baw, South Gippsland, Bass Coast). This program will run online each Tuesday night at 7pm for 7 weeks, commencing Tuesday 9th of May 2023.
Contact us
For more information about our programs or to make a referral, please contact us on 03 5134 5971 or submit your interest below.