Trauma services
Adolescent Support Program
Gippsland region
Northern region
South Eastern region
Western region

The Adolescent Support Program (ASP) supports young people aged 12 to 17 years old who are involved with Child Protection and displaying or experiencing risk taking or difficult to manage behaviours. Young people can be living in their family home or living independently.
The program is a flexible and responsive service that offers outreach support for young people and their families. It provides:
- information
- support
- advocacy
- referrals to other community services, including health and education.
The program aims to:
- keep young people connected to their families
- strengthen young people's community connectedness with school, sport, arts, employment and other activities
- work in creative ways to encourage young people to reach their full potential and achieve their goals
- support young people and their families to identify their strengths and come up with their own solutions.
Who we support
We support young people aged 12 to 17 years old who are:
- involved with Child Protection
- experiencing family conflict
- likely to leave home or have recently left home for a short time
- not accessing other support services
- needing support to stay with their family or in independent living.
How to make a referral
Most referrals come from the Department of Health and Human Services. A small number of places are available for the local community, school, other organisations and self-referrals from families.
ASP is run in 4 of our regions across Victoria. To find out more and discuss whether the program is suitable for your clients, please contact your closest Berry Street office:
Melbourne’s northern suburbs (Northern region)
Call 03 9450 4700
Melbourne’s south eastern suburbs (South Eastern region)
Call 03 9239 1400
Western Victoria (Western region)
Call 03 5330 5000
South Eastern Victoria (Gippsland region)
Call 03 5134 5971