Young people
GOALS program
Gippsland region

Berry Street’s GOALS (Going Out and Living Successfully) program provides support and accommodation for young people who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or about to leave out-of-home care.
The program helps young people who have experienced disadvantage to develop the skills and approach they need to live independently.
GOALS is located across two properties in Traralgon and Morwell.
How it works
GOALS helps prevent youth homelessness and teaches valuable life skills by:
- providing safe, secure accommodation for young people
- promoting education, training and employment opportunities
- helping young people with their independent living skills, personal development, community involvement and social activities
- supporting young people to transition into safe, secure and sustainable long-term housing.
The young people stay in the program for up to 2 years while focusing on their education and employment as a pathway to independent living.
GOALS also supports young people to transition into shared or private rentals when they leave the program.
After 2 years in the program, young people are better prepared for independent living and leave with:
- practical living skills
- improved confidence
- social development
- links to the community to prevent social isolation and loneliness.
Young people are eligible for the program if they are:
- 16 to 25 years old (referrals accepted up to 23 years of age)
- experiencing homelessness, at risk of homelessness, or leaving out-of-home care
- involved in and motivated to maintain study, training or employment
- able to live in a share environment, manage personal responsibilities and have independent living skills
- willing to actively engage in the program, attend house meetings and participate in case management
- receiving an income through employment or Centrelink
- willing to pay 25% of their income towards a program fee.
GOALS has been funded through various generous donors across multiple sites since 2012.
Our Philanthropy team continues to seek philanthropic partners to support the GOALS program and the increasing rates of young people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. We also invite interest in supporting operating costs for the program at the property.
For more information on how to get involved, see Philanthropy at Berry Street.

Contact us
For more information about GOALS, including vacancies and eligibility, contact our Gippsland region office on 03 5134 5971 or