Berry Street Education Model (BSEM) has always prioritised research and evaluation to underpin the rigour of our work. For the last 10 years we have worked continuously with the University of Melbourne Faculty of Education team, led by Chief Investigator Professor Helen Stokes. Our research has explored quantitative data including measures of student attitudes, student outcomes, and teacher efficacy. We also ensure we qualitatively capture the voices and experiences of students and educators as they implement BSEM.
Aimed at education leaders and researchers, our newest book of research, Implementing Trauma-Informed Pedagogies for School Change: Shifting Schools from Reactive to Proactive is now available from Emerald Studies Publishing, UK, and made available through academic libraries across the world. It is also available for purchase widely and through Berry Street. Co-authors Professor Stokes and Berry Street’s Dr Tom Brunzell integrate narratives of whole-school implementation and student and staff outcomes into case-studies of the impact of transforming pedagogy and practice.
This first book in the Emerald Studies in Trauma-Informed Education series links teacher professional learning and ongoing implementation of trauma-informed education pedagogical practices to changed student perceptions of school and collective teacher efficacy over a four-year period.
Providing examples of how schools implement trauma-informed education and using case studies from two schools, Stokes and Brunzell explore how implementing trauma-informed pedagogical practices can bring about school change. There is a focus on student wellbeing, collective teacher efficacy and assisting students to be ready to learn. The case studies that are explored will be of interest to school practitioners and system leaders working with students who are struggling in school.