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Published research about Take Two

Take Two - a program of Berry Street Victoria, is a Victoria- wide therapeutic service helping to address the impact on children of the trauma they have experienced from abuse, neglect or adverse experiences. Take Two is funded by the Department of Health and Human Services with teams in rural and Metropolitan areas. In some regions the program is delivered in partnership with therapeutic foster care, aboriginal therapeutic home-based care, therapeutic residential care and the Stronger Families service. Take Two employs psychologists, social workers, childhood developmental specialists and other mental health professionals.

Take Two's research strategy runs parallel to its clinical operations and is supported through a relationship with Latrobe University. The research strategy includes evaluation of the program as well as broader research questions about the nature and developmental needs of the client group, the work involved, and how to support positive change. Below a list of publications that:

  • have research findings based on Take Two client group data (which may or may not be authored by Take Two staff)
  • were created in the process of identifying the need for the Take Two service and its establishment
  • are authored by key alumni of the Take Two community but not based specifically on Take Two client data however highly related to Take Two service scope or provision, or during their employment at Take Two.

Many of these articles are behind paywalls, but links have been provided where they are open source and available online. Listed in chronological order.

For queries about Take Two publications and research please contact


^Black, C., Frederico, M., & Bamblett, M. (2024). ‘Healing through culture’: Aboriginal young people's experiences of social and emotional wellbeing impacts of cultural strengthening programs. Child Abuse & Neglect, 148, 106206.
^Take Two Robin Clark Scholarship recipient.

Cox, A., Heron, T., & Frederico, M. (2024). Sensory Processing Assessment and Feedback in the Treatment of Complex Developmental Trauma. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma. Published online: 26 Feb 2024


^Black, C., Bamblett, M., & Frederico, M. (2023). Truth, Trauma and Healing: Stories of Aboriginal Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse in Out-of-Home Care. In A. K. Gill & H. Begum (Eds.), Child Sexual Abuse in Black and Minoritised Communities: Improving Legal, Policy and Practical Responses (pp. 341-369). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
^Take Two Robin Clark Scholarship recipient.

Crothers, L., Edwards, C., & Radford, L. (2023). A Relational Model of Consultation for Relational Trauma: a Cognative Analytic Therapy (CAT)-informed model of secondary consultation to services that help young people in Out of Home Care. International Journal of Cognitive Analytic Therapy and Relational Mental Health, 5, 40-55. https://www.internationalcat.o...

D'Aprano, A., Hunter, S. A., Fry, R., Savaglio, M., Carmody, S., Boffa, J., Cooke, L., Dent, A., Docksey, A., Douglas, J., Dunn, A., Halfpenny, N., Hewett, M., Lipscomb, A., Manahan, E., Morton, B., Mosse, H., Ross, D., & Skouteris, H. (2023). 'All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children should have access to the ASQ-TRAK': Shared vision of an implementation support model for the ASQ-TRAK developmental screener. Health promotion journal of Australia: official journal of Australian Association of Health Promotion Professionals, 10.1002/hpja.773. Advance online publication.

Gee, G., ^Black, C., Mulder, S., Milroy, H., Gibbs, J., Biggs, L., Kennedy, H., & Brown, S. (2023). Victorian Aboriginal services co-creating knowledge about healing and recovery for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander survivors of child sexual abuse: A study protocol. Preprint to Research Square Platform 11-08-2023
^Take Two Robin Clark Scholarship recipient.

Jackson, A. L., Frederico, M., Cleak, H., & Perry, B. D. (2023). Interventions to Support Children’s Recovery From Neglect—A Systematic Review. Child Maltreatment, 0(0).
O’Halloran, M. (2023). A day in the life of a Take Two clinician. In K. Allen, C. Hyde, E. Berger, J. Coyne, S. Gindidis, C. Wilkinson, Z. A. Morris, & G. Wurf. How to be an educational and developmental psychologist : From university applications to entering the workforce. Taylor & Francis Group.


Bunston, W., Haufe, D.J., Wallis, J.R., Fletcher, R., & Mether, A.J. (2022). Once upon a Pandemic: ‘Online’ Therapeutic Groupwork for Infants and Mothers Impacted by Family Violence. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 19, 16143.

Jackson, A. L., Frederico, M., Cleak, H., & Perry, B. D. (2022). Childhood neglect and its implications for physical health, neurobiology and development—A scoping review of the literature. Developmental Child Welfare, 4(2), 114–135.

Rowland, M., Bradford, K., and Mosse, H. (2022) Secondary consultations with mental health professionals supporting children and young people living in out-of-home care with speech, language, communication needs. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech Language Pathology, 24, 90-95. https://www.speechpathologyaus... [Not in public domain]


Cox, A., Frederico, M., Mosse, H., Radford, L., Ambry, D., & Ryan, C. (2021). Australian Maltreated Infants and Young Children Can Achieve Positive Relational Health With Neurodevelopmentally-and Trauma-Informed Interventions Provided Within Relationally-Positive and Stable Environments. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 1198. [] [Open Source:]

Cox, A., Perry, B. D., & Frederico, M. (2021). Resourcing the System and Enhancing Relationships: Pathways to Positive Outcomes for Children Impacted by Abuse and Neglect. Child Welfare, 98(6), 177-202. [Not in public domain]

Fogarty, A., Savopoulos, P., Williams, K., Petrie, S., Seymour, M., Herman, S., Cox, A., Toone, E., Schroeder, K. & Giallo, R. (2021). Providing therapeutic services to women and children who have experienced intimate partner violence during the COVID-19 pandemic: Challenges and learnings. Child Abuse & Neglect, 105365. []

Giallo, R., Fogarty, A., Savopoulos, P., Cox, A., Toone, E., Williams, K., Jones, A., & Treyvaud, K. (2021). Capturing the experiences of clinicians implementing a new brief intervention for parents and children who have experienced family violence in Australia. Health & Social Care in the Community, 00, 1– 12. [ ] [Open Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.go...]

Jackson, A., & Perry, B.D. (2021). The child welfare system and trauma-informed care, in M.D. Hanna, R. Fong, N. Rolock., & R. McRoy (Eds). Introduction to Child Welfare: Building a Culturally Responsive, Multisystemic, Evidence-Based Approach, pp.81-111, San Diego: Cognella Academic Publishing


Fogarty, A., Treyvaud, K., Savopoulos, P., Jones, A., Cox, A., Toone, E., & Giallo, R. (2020). Facilitators to Engagement in a Mother-Child Therapeutic Intervention Following Intimate Partner Violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 0(0), 1-29. [] [Not in public domain]

Ryan, C. (2020). Calming the body before calming the mind: Sensory strategies for children affected by trauma. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Institute of Family Studies. [Open Source:]


Black, C., Frederico, M., & Bamblett, M. (2019). Healing through Connection: An Aboriginal Community Designed, Developed and Delivered Cultural Healing Program for Aboriginal Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse. British Journal of Social Work, 49(4), 1059-1080. [] [Not in public domain]

Frederico, M., Cox, A., & Hameed, M. (2019). Measuring the experience of consumers: Reliability and factorial structure of the Take Two stakeholder survey. Children Australia, 44(3), 154-161. [] [Not in public domain]

Frederico, M., Jackson, A., Black, C., Pawsey, R., & Cox, A. (2019). Take Two - Implementing a Therapeutic Service for Children who have Experienced Abuse and Neglect: Beyond Evidence-Informed Practice. Child Abuse Review, 28(3), 225-239. [] [Not in public domain]

Jackson, A., Frederico, M., Cox, A., & Black, C. (2019). The Treatment of Trauma: The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics and “Take Two” – Working with children who have experienced abuse and neglect in Huppertz, B. (Ed.) (2019). Approaches to Psychic Trauma: Theory and Practice. Rowman & Littlefield.


Frederico, M., Jackson, A., Black, C., Cox, A., & Joffe, B. (2018). Small Talk: Identifying communication problems in maltreated children. Child Abuse & Neglect, 75, 139-148. [] [Not in public domain]

Hameed, M. A. (2018). Challenges and Opportunities for Innovation in Child Abuse and Neglect Research within the Child Welfare System in Australia. Children Australia, 43(1), 57-66. [] [Not in public domain]

Frederico, M., Long, M., & Cameron, N. (Eds.). Leadership in Child and Family Practice (1st ed.). Routledge. [] [Not in public domain]
Chapter 1: The ever-changing context of Child and Family Practice. Miller R., & Frederico, M. (2018).
Chapter 3: A dynamic approach to developing knowledge and skills through curriculum and teaching and learning approaches. Cameron, N., & Frederico, M. (2018).
Chapter 4: Developing effective leadership in Child and Family Practice: Types of leadership. Frederico, M. (2018).
Chapter 6: Leadership in direct practice. Perry, B., Jackson, A.L., & Waters, S. (2018).
Chapter 10: Trauma-informed leadership. Perry, B., & Jackson, A.L. (2018).
Chapter 11: Leading for the future. Frederico, M., Long, M., & Jackson, A.L. (2018).

Milburn, N., Ryan, C., McQueen, C., Heron, T. (2018). Calmer Kindergartens. Berry Street Take Two Program. [Open Source: []


Atkins. P, & Frederico, M. (2017). Supporting Implementation of Innovative Social Work Practice: What Factors Really Matter? British Journal of Social Work, 47(6), 1723-1744. [] [Not in public domain]

Frederico, M., Long, M., McPherson, L., McNamara, P., & Rose R. (2017). Improving Outcomes for Children in Out-of-home Care: The Role of Therapeutic Foster Care. Child and Family Social Work, 22(2), 1064-1074. [] [Not in public domain]


Frederico, M., Black, C., Owen. L., Lunken, T., & McPherson, L. (2016). Parkville Youth Justice Precinct, Intensive Therapeutic Service Evaluation Parkville Youth Justice Precinct, Victorian Department of Health and Human Services and La Trobe University.**


Jackson, A. (2015). From Where to Where – Running Away from Care. Children Australia, 40(1), 16-19. [] [Not in public domain]

Jackson, A. L., Waters, S. E., & Abell, T. (2015). Taking Time – A Literature Review: Background for a trauma-informed framework for supporting people with intellectual disability. Melbourne, Australia: Berry Street. [Open Source:]

Jackson, A. L., & Waters, S. E. (2015). Taking Time – Framework: A trauma-informed framework for supporting people with intellectual disability. Melbourne, Australia: Berry Street. [Open Source:]

Quirk, F.A., & Rickwood, D.J. (2015). Effects on Social Support Networks: Exploring the Impact of Type and Severity of Abuse Experienced by Children and Adolescents. Children Australia, 40(3), 180-187. [] [Not in public domain]


Frederico, M., Jackson, A.L., & Dwyer, J. (2014). Child Protection and Cross-Sector Practice: An Analysis of Child Death Reviews to Inform Practice When Multiple Parental Risk Factors Are Present. Child Abuse Review, 23(2), 104-115. [] [Not in public domain]

Frederico, M., Jackson, A. L., Black, C. M., Joffe, B., McConachy, J., & Worthington, N. (2014). Small Talk: Identifying communication problems in maltreated children — Literature Review, Melbourne: Berry Street Childhood Institute. [Open Source:]

Frederico, M., Long, M., McNamara, P., McPherson, L. (2014). “The Way All Foster Care Should Be”: The Experience of Therapeutic Foster Carers in the Victorian Circle Program. Children Australia, 39(4), 211-215. [] [Not in public domain]

Jackson, A. (2014). Literature review: Young people at high risk of sexual exploitation, absconding, and other significant harms, Melbourne: Berry Street Childhood Institute. [Open Source:

Jackson, A. (2014). Undoing the harm of child neglect: Should we, can we, do we? Developing Practice: The Child, Youth and Family Work Journal, (40), 53-65. [] [Not in public domain]

Jackson, A.L., & McConachy, J.E. (2014). Neither Here Nor There - Revisiting Reunification, Melbourne: Berry Street Childhood Institute. [Open Source:]

Perry, B., & Jackson, A.L. (2014), Long and winding road: From neuroscience to policy, program, practice. Insight Magazine 9. Melbourne: Victorian Council of Social Service. [Open Source: on request from Take Two]


Couper, S., Jackson, A., Milburn, N., & Black, C. (2013). Victorian Cradle to Kinder and Aboriginal Cradle to Kinder: Practice Guide. Victorian Government Department of Human Services, Melbourne, Australia. [Open Source:]

Frederico, M., Jackson, A.L., Black, C.M., Joffe, B., McConachy, J., & Worthington, N. (2013). Small Talk: Identifying communication problems in maltreated children – developing a problem identification tool – Final Report, Melbourne: Berry Street.

Jackson, A.L., Waters, S.E., Meehan, T.L, Hunter, S. & Corlett, L.R. (2013). Making Tracks: A Trauma-Informed Framework for Supporting Aboriginal Young People Leaving Care, Melbourne: Berry Street. [Open Source:]

Jackson, A.L., Waters, S.E., Meehan, T.L., Hunter, S., & Corlett, L.R. (2013). Key Messages – Making Tracks: Trauma-Informed Practice Guide for Aboriginal Young People Leaving Care, Melbourne: Berry Street. [Open Source:]]


Bamblett, M., Frederico, M., Harrison, J., Jackson, A., & Lewis, P. (2012). ‘Not One Size Fits All’ Understanding the social & emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal children. Bundoora: La Trobe University. [Open Source:]

Frederico, M., Long M., McNamara, P., McPherson, L., Rose, R., & Gilbert, K. (2012). The Circle Program: an Evaluation of a therapeutic approach to Foster Care. Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare, Melbourne, Australia. [Open Source:]

Jackson, A. (2012). Applying the ‘best interests’ principle to decisions about child health in out-of-home care. Developing Practice: The Child, Youth and Family Work Journal, (30), 9-14. [] [Not in public domain]

Rocznoik, C., & McKenzie, R. (2012). The war on the telephone: A reflection on the interactions between the health and child protection sectors. Developing Practice: The Child, Youth and Family Work Journal, (30), 73-81. [] [Not in public domain


Sullivan, M., et al. (2011). Evaluation of the Therapeutic Residential Care Pilot Programs Final Summary & Technical Report. Department of Human Services: Verso Consulting Pty Ltd. [Open Source: https://www.childabuseroyalcom...]

School of Social Work and Social Policy, The Bouverie Centre, La Trobe University, The University of Melbourne, Take Two Berry Street Victoria and the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency (2011) Submission: Protecting Victoria’s Vulnerable Children Inquiry. Unpublished document.


Dwyer, J., Jackson, A., McKenzie, R., & Frederico, M. (2010). Emotional PAIN Relief for Traumatised Young People: Description of a Tool for Providing ‘First Aid Plus’. International Journal of Child & Family Welfare, 13(1-2), 81-97. [Open Source:]

Frederico, M., Jackson, A., & Black, C. (2010) More than Words: The Language of Relationships. Take Two Third Evaluation Report. Bundoora: La Trobe University. [Open Source:

Jackson, A. (2010). Stability - The dilemmas of providing a secure base for children who are on very shaky ground. Children Australia, 35(2), 21-28. [ ] [Not in public domain]


Abell, T. & Tanti, C. (2009). A Detailed Guide to Child Development, Melbourne: Berry Street. (Unpublished

Havighurst, S.S., & Downey, L. (2009). Clinical Reasoning for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Practitioners: The Mindful Formulation, Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 14(2), 251–271. [] [Not in public domain]

Jackson, A.L., Frederico, M., Tanti, C., & Black, C.M. (2009). Exploring outcomes in a therapeutic service response to the emotional and mental health needs of children who have experienced abuse and neglect in Victoria, Australia. Child & Family Social Work, 14(2), 198-212. [] [Not in public domain]


Black, C., Frederico, M., Jackson, A.L., & McCluskey, T. (2008). ‘The impact of trauma on children in protection and care: an approach to understanding trauma through the use of assessment and outcome measures’, in (Eds.) C. Canali, T. Vecchiato, & J.K. Whittaker, Assessing the ‘Evidence-base’ of Intervention for Vulnerable Children and Their Families. Italy: Fondazione Emanuela Zancan Onlus, pp. 521-523.

Coade, S., Downey, L., McClung, L., & Dwyer, J. (2008). Yarning up on trauma: healing ourselves, healing our children and families, healing our communities. Melbourne: Berry Street.

Frederico, M., Jackson, A., & Black, C. (2008). ‘Finding a Path to the Evidence: A Research Strategy for a Therapeutic Program’ in (Eds.) C. Canali, T. Vecchiato, & J.K. Whittaker, Assessing the ‘Evidence-base’ of Intervention for Vulnerable Children and Their Families. Italy: Fondazione Emanuela Zancan Onlus, pp. 112-114.

Frederico, M., Jackson, A.L., & Black, C. (2008). Understanding the Impact of Abuse and Neglect on Children and Young People Referred to a Therapeutic Program. Journal of Family Studies, 14(2-3), 342-361. [] [Not in public domain]

Frederico, M., Jackson, A., & Black, C. (2008). The Take Two program for abused children. Curriculum & Leadership Journal, 6(38). [Open Source: on request from Take Two]

Harrison, J., Jackson, A.L., Frederico, M., Lewis, P., & Hunter, S. (2008). ‘Aboriginal Children’s Wellbeing and the Role of Culture: Outcomes of an Australian Research project into Measurements and Assessment Tools for Aboriginal and Islander Children’ in (Eds.) C. Canali, T. Vecchiato, & J.K.Whittaker, Assessing the ‘Evidence-base’ of Intervention for Vulnerable Children and Their Families. Italy: Fondazione Emanuela Zancan Onlus, pp. 426-428.

Jackson, A.L., Frederico, M., Black, C., Harrison, J. & McCluskey, T. (2008). ‘Traumatised Children’s View of their Social World: Application of the Social Network Map for Children who have Experienced Abuse and Neglect’, in (Eds.) C. Canali, T. Vecchiato, & J.K. Whittaker, Assessing the ‘Evidence-base’ of Intervention for Vulnerable Children and Their Families. Italy: Fondazione Emanuela Zancan Onlus, pp. 350-352.

Milburn, N. Lynch, M., & Jackson, J. (2008). Early Identification of Mental Health Needs for Children in Care: A Therapeutic Assessment Programme for Statutory Clients of Child Protection. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 13(1), 31-47. [] [Not in public domain]

Queensland Government Department of Child Safety (2008). ‘Horizons: Cumulative Harm: Q&A with Annette Jackson’, pp. 11-13.


Downey, L. (2007). Calmer classrooms: A guide to working with traumatised children. Office of the Child Safety Commissioner. Melbourne, Australia: Child Safety Commissioner. [Open Source:]

McClung, L. (2007). Therapeutic Foster Care – Integrating Mental Health and Child Welfare to provide care for traumatised children – A Literature Overview. Melbourne, Australia: Berry Street. [Open Source:


Frederico, M., Jackson, A., & Black, C. (2006)."Give Sorrow Words" — A Language for Healing: Take Two Second Evaluation Report 2004—2005. Bundoora, Victoria: La Trobe University. [Open Source:]

Frederico, M., Jackson, A., & Jones, S. (2006). Child Death Group Analysis: Effective responses to chronic neglect. Melbourne, Victoria: Office of the Child Safety Commissioner for the Victorian Child Death Review Committee. [Open Source:]


Frederico, M., Jackson, A., & Black, C. (2005). Reflections on Complexity: Take Two First Evaluation Report. Bundoora, Victoria: La Trobe University. [Open Source:]


Downey, L. (2004). The Take Two Practice Framework. Unpublished document.

Jackson, A.L. (2004), Keynote Address: ‘Trauma and Child Abuse’, Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency – Families are Forever: Build Them Strong – Conference, October, Melbourne.

Milburn, N. (2004). Protected and respected: Addressing the needs of the child in out-of-home care. The Stargate Early Intervention Program for children and young people in out-of-home care. Melbourne, Victoria: Royal Children’s Hospital.
This paper relates to clients of the Stargate Early Intervention Programme in Melbourne, Victoria.

**Full article unable to be located.