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Berry Street offers a range of specialist family violence services to victim-survivors, helping them stay in their community safely where possible and live a life free of violence, while also addressing their emotional and practical needs and issues.

One of these services is the specialist mother-infant program Mother Infant Village (MI Village), a day program and residential village for mothers and children who have experienced family violence.

When Casey* had to flee her home due to family violence, Berry Street was able to offer her and her baby Sam* a place at MI Village.

Casey and Sam have been living safely there for several months, receiving a range of supports to help them recover and prepare for happy independent living.

One of Casey’s biggest goals was to work through her family violence experiences, so it’s been important for her to have access to the type of therapeutic model that MI Village provides.

To work through her own trauma, Casey has been attending one-on-one therapy at MI Village. This has sometimes been difficult because Sam has some challenges separating from her, so helping reduce his anxiety is another one of Casey’s goals. To work towards this, Casey has explored some childcare options for Sam, and MI Village staff have been finding strategies for Casey to help Sam feel comfortable separating. Once Sam feels safe when he’s apart from his mum, Casey will be able to attend therapy more regularly, and she can get the most out of her sessions.

Casey has also participated in group activities each week and has worked with MI Village staff to think about how she can continue to care for herself and Sam into the future.

She’s also living independently, which is a new experience.

Casey has said the atmosphere of the program is really supportive. She sees MI Village as a community surrounding mothers who have experienced the same issues.

As she puts it, “I’m not alone, and it’s good for me to see and experience that.”

She adds, “I’ve got friends who have also suffered family violence, but it’s different having a community and a team of people who are extremely supportive and non-judgemental. I always feel safe… At first, I was anxious to live alone, but now I am feeling confident, and my bond with Sam is stronger than ever.”

Learn more about Berry Street's Mother Infant Village (MI Village).

*The names of the children and the families we work with have been changed, and models are used in our photographs to protect their identities.