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Berry Street’s Going Out and Living Successfully (GOALS) program provides young people who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or about to leave out-of-home care with support and accommodation.

GOALS has had an amazing impact on 18-year-old Zara’s* life. Zara had a challenging past and had experienced awful trauma including family violence. She was referred to the GOALS program and was accepted at the beginning of 2023, which was her final year of high school.

Once Zara had the stability of a safe home, she showed incredible resilience as she set about completing her VCE, getting two casual jobs, obtaining her driver's licence, buying a car and subsequently receiving an offer to attend university. It’s a testament to Zara’s determination that she was able to thrive.

We rely on our supporters to help deliver this program and one major supporter is the Keith Chenhall Charitable Trust. Keith was born and raised in the Traralgon community and, after returning from services in WW2, he dedicated much of his life to community service. In 2014 he was awarded an Order of Australia before passing away aged 90.

Since 2018 the Trust has provided generous funding to support young people like Zara who are given the opportunity to live at one of our GOALS properties. It is through the generosity of our supporters like you that we can create a lasting and positive change for young people in Victoria, so thank you for all you do.

Help provide support to young people, like Zara

With the right help and support, children and young people can recover from trauma and lead healthy, happy lives. Through programs like GOALS, we can help create lasting change for children and young people.

Help us continue to provide trauma-informed care for children, young people and families who have experienced abuse, neglect and trauma. Donate today to support young people, like Zara, who are getting the specialist support they need to build the life they imagine for themselves.

*Name has been changed to protect the privacy of the young person in our care. The model pictured is not connected to the case study.