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Replacement BSEM Domain Book

Book by Berry Street Education Model
$16.50 each (inc GST)

Replacement Berry Street Education Model Course book

Please note, this resource is only available to those who are participants in, or have previously completed the Berry Street Education Model training.

The five domains of the Berry Street Education Model correspond with child-development capacities that each student must grow in order to be ‘ready to learn’. When considering how to best meet the needs of students, we focus on building self-regulatory ability, relational capacity and then nurture wellbeing and willingness to engage in learning.


Increasing students’ capacity for physical and emotional regulation of the stress response, de-escalation and focus.


Nurturing on-task learning through relational classroom management strategies.


Creating a culture of academic persistence by nurturing resilience, emotional intelligence and a growth mindset.


Motivating students with strategies that increase their willingness to learn.


Harnessing a values and character strengths approach for learning and future pathways.

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