Request your records

Berry Street's Past Client and Heritage Services provides record searches for people who were past clients of Berry Street, Sutherland Homes and Lisa Lodge. The service is free and confidential for past residents and their families.
How to request records
To request your or a family member's personal information, please fill in the Request for Release of Personal Information form online or contact us for a printable version of the form.
You will need copies of identification documents, such as your birth certificate or drivers licence, and death certificate (if you are applying for a relative’s records).
If you filled in a printed form, you can submit it and other identification documents to our Past Client and Heritage Services by email to or in the post.
Try to include as much information as possible as this will help us with the search.
If you need help filling in the form, please phone 03 9429 9266 and ask to speak to the Past Client Information Officer.
Heritage Service mailing address
Past Client and Heritage Services
Berry Street
PO Box 2171
Richmond, VIC 2121
What to expect
After you submit your request, our Past Client Information Officer will contact you to discuss:
- the information you’re looking for
- what information we can and can't release due to privacy considerations
- support that may be available to you
- how long it may take to find and organise the information for you
- opportunities for you to view relevant photographs.
After you submit an enquiry, you can choose to not continue with it at any point.
Who to contact for adoption information
The Adoption Information Service, part of the Department of Justice and Community Safety, holds information about legalised adoptions from Berry Street from 1928 onwards.
For more information go to the Adoption Information Service website or contact:
Adoption Information Service
GPO Box 4356, Melbourne VIC 3001
Phone 03 8684 0000 or 1300 365 111
For more information about de facto adoptions at Berry Street or to talk to a staff member about your situation, please contact our Past Client and Heritage Services on 03 9429 9266.
Contact us
For more information about our Past Client and Heritage Services, please contact:
Berry Street Past Client and Heritage Services
PO Box 2171, Richmond 3121
Phone: 03 9429 9266