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Bella is a foster care worker for our Northern metro region.

With the festive season fast approaching, Bella was moved to share what Christmas is like for children and young people in out-of-home care. Please watch this important video message from Bella.

"As I’m sure you can imagine; Christmas can be an incredibly challenging time of year for the children and young people in our care.

So, giving them something to open on Christmas Day can make a world of difference in making sure they feel special and cared for.

I remember last year we had a five-year-old boy come into care on Christmas Eve.

He told his carers that he misses his family, but Santa doesn’t usually visit his house on Christmas.

We were able to give him a new bike, some arts and crafts activities and a Collingwood football, which he loved.

Now, he really looks forward to Christmas! He couldn’t wait to put the tree up on the 1st of December."

- Bella, Foster Care Case Manager

Thank you to Bella for generously sharing her time with us.

Buy a gift and give joy this Christmas

Some of the most urgently needed gifts for children in our care

Thousands of Victorian children can't live safely at home because of violence, abuse and neglect. Many of these children who come into our care have never experienced a happy Christmas.

Buy a gift from Berry Street's online gift catalogue and give joy to a child or young person in need this Christmas.

*Models are used in our images to protect the identities of the children and families we work with.