Trauma services
Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT™)

Looking for a trauma-informed, developmentally-sensitive way of understanding a young person’s therapeutic needs?
Berry Street’s Take Two service is the leading trauma-specific therapeutic service for vulnerable infants, children and young people in Victoria.
Take Two is site-certified in the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT™). It uses clinical assessment and intervention-planning tools to support practitioners working with infants, children and young people who have experienced abuse, neglect and other traumas.
NMT™ has a holistic and ecological approach to interventions – targeting not only the child or young person, but their caregiver relationships, broader family networks, school and community. The approach builds resilience through safe, enduring relationships and daily experiences of success.
What is NMT™?

The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT)™ is a developmentally sensitive, neurobiology-informed approach to clinical problem solving. NMT™ is not a specific therapeutic technique or intervention. It is an approach that integrates core principles of neurodevelopment and traumatology to inform work with children, families and the communities in which they live.
The Neurosequential approach has three key components:
1. training/capacity building
2. assessment
3. specific recommendations for the selection and sequencing of therapeutic, educational and enrichment activities that match the needs and strengths of the individual.
Participants completing and maintaining NMT™ Phase 1 certification are certified to use the NMT™ clinical practice tools (NMT™ Metrics) and they have ongoing access to the resources provided by the Neurosequential Network.
About NMT™ secondary consultations
Take Two offers NMT™-informed secondary consultations across Australia. The consultations include:
- a 90-minute consultation with a certified NMT™ Trainer or Mentor
- case conceptualisation and formulation support drawing on neuro-developmental and relational trauma lenses, informed by the NMT™
- recommendations for intervention planning
- psychoeducation drawing on NMT™ concepts alongside the trauma expertise of the Take Two service.
NMT™ brief assessments
Take Two offers a Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics NMT™ Brief Assessment service to organisations and practitioners working with infants, children and young people who have experienced developmental trauma and family violence. An NMT™ certified Take Two clinician will conduct this 3-week assessment, including:
- consultation and information-gathering about the child's developmental history, current functioning and relational resources
- administration of the NMT™ Practice Tool (NMT™ Metrics). Please note: the NMT™ Metric report generated by the clinician will not be provided
- a written report summarising the findings of the NMT™ Practice Tool (including the level of developmental risk currently faced by the child, their developmental and relational functioning, and a measure of their relational resources)
- recommendations for interventions matched to the child's current functioning and needs
- feedback of the report and brief psychoeducation to the care team.
This Take Two NMT™ Brief Assessment is designed to complement a broader bio-psycho-social-ecological assessment, and bring a neuro-developmental trauma lens to the care team's understanding of the child. The recommendations from the assessment report provided should always be considered in the context of the child's individual circumstances, culture, strengths, preferences and existing resources.
Contact us
For more information about NMT™, please contact
Berry Street’s Take Two service is site-certified the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT™).
Take Two’s NMT™ Mentor-certified staff are excited to offer study groups and support to individuals and organisations seeking to undertake NMT™ Phase 1 certification (for full details please access the Neurosequential Network™) and we are currently seeking expressions of interest.